Three Reasons Why Embodiment is Essential to Great Leadership

Three Reasons Why Embodiment is Essential to Great Leadership

It’s a valid question… How the hell does being more embodied make you a better leader? Does being in your body really help you get better results from yourself and/or your team?

This is a question I am also continually asking myself as I observe the process and results of bringing body-based tools to leaders and aspiring leaders. How is it that these tools support their transition into better supporting themselves and their teams?

Here are my insights so far…

Top 3 Reasons you Should be Moving in the Morning... and an Awesome Way to Start Doing that Tomorrow

Top 3 Reasons you Should be Moving in the Morning... and an Awesome Way to Start Doing that Tomorrow

There are WAY more than three reasons to get into motion at the start of each day… But here are three that I find particularly compelling:

  1. Increase your productivity

  2. Have more confidence

  3. Connect to your intuition

It might seem too good to be true… but I assure you it is not. Read the full article to find out more, as well as an awesome way for you to get moving in the mornings and get these three benefits on a regular basis :).

Twelve Principles for Powerful Somatic Practice

Twelve Principles for Powerful Somatic Practice

Over my decades of experience as an athlete, professional dancer and practitioner of meditation, I have come to realize several key ingredients that deepen the potency and impact of somatic practice. Take a look at these foundational ways of relating to your embodied experience, bring them into practice and begin to feel the full magic of somatic practice unfold for you firsthand.

The Power of a Bow: Priming All Parts of Your Brain for Meaningful Action

The Power of a Bow: Priming All Parts of Your Brain for Meaningful Action

The wonder of movement is that it connects with and impacts both our limbic and reptilian brains. In this practice, when you connect the movement with your intention, you are allowing the impact of your intention to resonate through not just your thinking mind but the whole of your human self. In this post we explore the power of the bow as a means of powerful communication outward and inward.